Fresh Independent Activities For Toddlers On The Budget

Inside: Fresh and new ideas for independent activities for toddlers that will keep him busy without buying more and more new toys. 

I often stop on garage sales that sell kids stuff and have had so many great findings for just a few dollars. But what catches my attention is a huge number of toys families often keep in their homes.

But yet, lots of parents complain about how their kids won’t play on their own even with a huge selection of toys they own. So they get in the trap of buying new toys just to have their kids occupied for a while. And the more they have, the less they are interested in.

We all know, new toys don’t keep a child’s attention for a long. Soon a favorite new toy ends up forgotten at the bottom of a toy bin.

Funny thing is, the fewer toys child has, he will be more creative with resourceful ideas and it will keep him busy playing for longer time.

If you have plenty of toys  and it seems like your child doesn’t play with them as much as you wish for, it’s a good idea to have regular toy rotation. When you put away most of the toys from the child’s sight, leaving just a few to play with it will make things more interested.

You can learn more about toy rotation and what you need to do if your child won’t play on his own in my Independent Play Starter Kit.

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Independent activities for toddlers: New play ideas, kids activities and kids crafts on the budget

1.Recreate your toddler’s favorite story activity

dr seuss activities inspired by Re you my mother book

Are you my mother? story activity

Make puppets, story prompts and sceneries. Use any book  your child loves and give him the opportunity to retell a story on his own playing and pretending. Often some new ideas will come out and some of the old toys will be drawn into this play.

Use materials you already have on hand, like fabric scraps, felt, cardboard, boxes or you can simply print out some prompts on paper. If using recyclable items paint them and draw on them with markers or acrylic paint.


2.Felt board story activities

For just a few dollars make this  DIY felt board in less than five minutes. This will be home to many stories, rhymes and learning activities as your toddler grows.

Brown bear, Brown bear what do you see? Felt board template(Get free Brown bear, brown bear what do you see …? template here.)

3.DIY colour matching game

This color sorting game won’t cost you a penny, yet, it will be interesting and help your toddler practice color recognition. You’ll need an empty egg carton, paint and lose parts you find around the house.



4.Vegetable stamping activity for toddler

A fun way to use vegetable leftovers and make awesome stamping craft projects. If you take simple precautionary steps you can keep this activity mess-free which makes it ideal for solo play.

cauliflower stamping

Click here for more inexpensive independent play ideas that you can set up in a minutes, like matching game, sensory bins and many more.

5.Collage art and crafts for toddlers

Making collages  and crafts out of  construction paper, old magazines, cotton balls and pasta is a great independent play for toddler and excellent way for him to explore different creations at his own pace.

This art collages for kids don’t require any special supplies, you can pull out all materials and glue and leave everything else to your little one.


Also, this great after daycare or school activity and it will keep your child entertained while you prepare dinner. Actually, anytime you need an activity on the go, this is activity you wanna set up.

 Download FREE Independent play strategy guide so you can successfully engage your child into solo play. 

So here are some new independent play activities for toddlers so you don’t have to buy more and more toys. All of these solo play activities can be modified with different setup so it will look new to your toddler. Something new always works for them.

If you know parents who would benefit from this ideas, please take a moment and share it.

new and fresh independent activities for toddlers on the budget

independent play starter kit ebook

Lily Zunic

I believe every person is creative and every craft project is beautiful when you create for the journey of your heart.

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