How To Make Simple Bunny Mask Even If You Are Not A ‘Crafty’ Person

Inside: Making Paper Plate Bunny Mask is fun and easy craft activity for kids, no matter what age.

How To Make Simple Bunny Mask

Paper plate crafts are great for kids creative projects, you can make animals, masks, fish aquariums, teach how o sew and so on.

There are many ways of doing bunny mask and here is one of the simplest ways. You can help little ones to complete this project and even challenge older kids to make bunny mask out of paper plate the way they imagine it should be. Give them bunch of supplies and let them be creative.

So here is the idea how to make Paper Plate Bunny Mask.

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Paper plate craft ideas – Bunny Mask

Materials you will need:


1.Draw bunny face on a first  plate using permanent marker. Make eyes little bigger and cut smaller holes inside the circle.

2.With hot gun glue pink pom pom in a middle to ale bunny’s nose.

3. Use glue gun to place wooden stick on a back

4. Use other paper plate to cut out ears and glue them.

5.When all pieces are on place, use paint brush to paint inside of ears and let it dry.

Related: Fresh independent play ideas on a budget

paper plate bunny mask craft project

Simple isn’t it?

Please note, supervise and help your kids while doing this craft project as it requires use os scissors and hot glue, which is extremely hot and can cause burn!

If you liked this craft, check out tutorial cotton balls sheep craft and share these ideas among you friends to help them raise creative kids.


How to make paper plate bunny mask



Lily Zunic

I believe every person is creative and every craft project is beautiful when you create for the journey of your heart.

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